The library is fully tested with Cypress, you can take a look at the test/cypress/e2e folder to see the full list of Slickgrid-Vue E2E tests that run with every PR. You could also use other testing framework like Playwright.
Below is a super small Cypress test
describe('Example 3 - Grid with Editors', () => {
const GRID_ROW_HEIGHT = 35; // `rowHeight` GridOption
const fullTitles = ['Title', 'Duration (days)', '% Complete', 'Start', 'Finish', 'Effort Driven'];
it('should display Example title', () => {
cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Example 3: Editors / Delete');
it('should have exact Column Titles in the grid', () => {
.each(($child, index) => expect($child.text()).to.eq(fullTitles[index]));
it('should be able to change "Task 1" in first column of second row to a different Task', () => {
cy.get(`[style="top:${GRID_ROW_HEIGHT * 1}px"] > .slick-cell:nth(1)`).should('contain', 'Task 1').click();
.type('Task 8888')
// revalidate the cell
cy.get(`[style="top:${GRID_ROW_HEIGHT * 1}px"] > .slick-cell:nth(1)`).should('contain', 'Task 8888');