new Date Picker (vanilla-calendar)



The Date Editor is provided through an external library named Vanilla-Calendar-Pro and all options from that library can be added to your editorOptions (see below), so in order to add things like minimum date, disabling dates, ... just review all the Vanilla-Calendar-Pro and then add them into editorOptions. We use Tempo to parse and format Dates to the chosen format (when type, outputType and/or saveType are provided in your column definition)

Note Also just so you know, editorOptions is used by all other editors as well to expose external library like Autocompleter, Multiple-Select, etc...


Demo Page | Demo Component

Editor Options

You can use any of the Vanilla-Calendar settings by adding them to editorOptions as shown below.

Note for easier implementation, you should import VanillaCalendarOption from Slickgrid-Universal common package.

import { type Column, Filters, Formatters, SlickgridVue, type VanillaCalendarOption } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';

const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);

onBeforeMount(() => {

function defineGrid() {
  columnDefinitions.value = [
      id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title',
      type: 'dateIso', // if your type has hours/minutes, then the date picker will include date+time
      editor: {
        editorOptions: {
          range: {
            max: 'today',
            disabled: ['2022-08-15', '2022-08-20'],
        } as VanillaCalendarOption,

Grid Option `defaultEditorOptions

You could also define certain options as a global level (for the entire grid or even all grids) by taking advantage of the defaultEditorOptions Grid Option. Note that they are set via the editor type as a key name (autocompleter, date, ...) and then the content is the same as editorOptions (also note that each key is already typed with the correct editor option interface), for example

gridOptions.value = {
  defaultEditorOptions: {
    date: { range: { min: 'today' } }, // typed as VanillaCalendarOption

Custom Validator

You can add a Custom Validator from an external function or inline (inline is shown below and comes from Example 12)

function initializeGrid() {
  columnDefinitions.value = [
      id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title',
      editor: {
        required: true,
        validator: (value, args) => {
          const dataContext = args && args.item;
          if (dataContext && (dataContext.completed && !value)) {
            return { valid: false, msg: 'You must provide a "Finish" date when "Completed" is checked.' };
          return { valid: true, msg: '' };

Date Format

Your column definitions may include a type to tell Formatters how to formate your date, this type is also used by the Editor when saving.

What if I want to use a different format when saving?

There are 3 types you can provide to inform the Editor on how to save:

  1. type inform the entire column what its type is (used by Formatter, Filter, Editor, Export)

  2. outputType what type to display in the Editor vs saving format.

  3. saveOutputType the type to use when saving which is different than the one used on cell input (rarely used).

The type and outputType are often used when you want to save something different compare to what you show to the user (for example, show a date in the US Format but save it as ISO or UTC).

The difference between outputType and saveOutputType when you wish to display a certain format in the date editor input (while editing), but wish to save in a different format. You will rarely need the saveOutputType and for most use cases, the use of both type and outputType should be enough.

Note the type detection when saving is the inverse of the list above, whichever comes first from 3 to 1.

Last updated