For row selection, you can simply play with couple of grid options (see below) and subscribe to onSelectedRowsChanged (a SlickGrid Event that is, it's not an Observable). However please note that onSelectedRowsChanged is a function available on the Grid object and you will need bind to (gridChanged) to get the object when grid is ready. There are 2 types of row selection(s) which you can do.
Note:enableCheckboxSelector and enableExcelCopyBuffer do not work well together, this is because they both share the same Row.SelectionModel and one cancels the other. It is recommended to not use enableExcelCopyBuffer in that case.
For a single row selection, you need to have enableCellNavigation: true, enableRowSelection: true and multiSelect: false and as described earlier, subscribe to onSelectedRowsChanged (for that you need to bind to (gridChanged)). There are 2 ways to choose for the implementation of a row selection, option 1. is the most common option and is the recommend way of doing it.
1. with Custom Event (preferred way)
You can also do it through a Custom Event listener since all SlickGrid events are exposed as Custom Events. For more info see Docs - OnEvents
It's preferable to use the Custom Event listeners, but if you really wish, you can also use directly the SlickGrid event that you can subscribe to. However, don't forget to unsubscribe to a SlickGrid event.
As for multiple row selections, you need to disable enableCellNavigation and enable enableCheckboxSelector and enableRowSelection. Then as describe earlier, you will subscribe to onSelectedRowsChanged (for that you need to bind to (gridChanged)). There are 2 ways to choose for the implementation of a row selection, option 1. is the most common option and is the recommend way of doing it.
1. with event (preferred way)
You can also do it through an event since all SlickGrid events are exposed. For more info see Docs - OnEvents - 3. event
It's preferable to use the Custom Event listeners, but if you really wish, you can also use directly the SlickGrid event that you can subscribe to. However, don't forget to unsubscribe to a SlickGrid event.
Changing Dynamically from Single to Multiple Selections (and vice-versa)
If you want to change from Multiple Selections to Single Selection (and vice-versa), you could toggle the grid options enableCellNavigation flag (False when you want Single Selection), however this is not possible when using Inline Editors since this flag is required. Note that there is currently no other ways of toggling dynamically without re-creating the grid.
Mixing Single & Multiple Row Selections
SlickGrid is so powerful and customizable, you could if you wish mix the multiple row selections (cell column 1) and single row selection (any other cell click). For that though, you will need to use 2 SlickGrid Events (onClick and onSelectedRowsChanged). For example with a Custom Event listener we can do it this way:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, FieldType, Filters, Formatters, OperatorType, SlickgridVue, SortDirection } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';
const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);
onBeforeMount(() => {
function defineGrid() {}
function handleMultipleRowSelections(event, args) {
console.log('multiple row checkbox selected', event, args);
function handleSingleRowClick(event, args) {
console.log('multiple row checkbox selected', event, args);
// when clicking on any cell, we will make it the new selected row
// however, we don't want to interfere with multiple row selection checkbox which is on 1st column cell
if (args.cell !== 0) {
@onClick="onCellClicked($event.detail.eventData, $event.detail.args)"
@onSelectedRowsChanged="onGrid1SelectedRowsChanged($event.detail.eventData, $event.detail.args)"
Disable Custom Rows Selections via selectableOverride
You can use selectableOverride to provide custom logic to disable certain rows selections, for example the code below will remove the row selection on every second row.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, FieldType, Filters, Formatters, OperatorType, SlickgridVue, SortDirection } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';
const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);
onBeforeMount(() => {
function defineGrid() {
gridOptions.value = {
enableRowSelection: true,
enableCheckboxSelector: true,
checkboxSelector: {
// you can override the logic for showing (or not) the expand icon
// for example, display the expand icon only on every 2nd row
// selectableOverride: (row: number, dataContext: any, grid: any) => ( % 2 === 1)
multiSelect: false,
rowSelectionOptions: {
// True (Single Selection), False (Multiple Selections)
selectActiveRow: true,
Disable External Button when having Empty Selection
When having an external button that you want to work only when there's row selection, there are 2 ways of doing
use the onSelectedRowsChanged event (via your View in HTML or via ViewModel)
You can change which row(s) are selected by using the built-in SlickGrid method setSelectedRows(rowIndexes) (passing an empty array will clear all selection), however please note that it requires an array of row indexes as you see them in the UI and it won't work that great with Pagination (if that is what you are looking for then take a look at this Stack Overflow Q&A)
<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, FieldType, Filters, Formatters, OperatorType, SlickgridVue, SortDirection } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';
const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);
let vueGrid: SlickgridVueInstance;
onBeforeMount(() => {
function defineGrid() {}
function vueGridReady(vueGrid: SlickgridVueInstance) {
vueGrid = vueGrid;
function changeRowSelections() {
// OR providing an empty array will clear the row selection
// vueGrid.slickGrid.setSelectedRows([]);
@onClick="onCellClicked($event.detail.eventData, $event.detail.args)"
Adding a Column dynamically is removing the Row Selection, why is that?
The reason is because the Row Selection (checkbox) plugin is a special column and slickgrid-vue is adding an extra column dynamically for the Row Selection checkbox and that is not reflected in your local copy of columnDefinitions. To address this issue, you need to get the slickgrid-vue internal copy of all columns (including the extra columns), you can get it via getAllColumnDefinitions() from the Grid Service and then you can use to that array and that will work.
<script setup lang="ts">
function vueGridReady(vGrid: SlickgridVueInstance) {
vueGrid = vGrid;
function addNewColumn() {
const newColumn = { /*...*/ };
const allColumns = vueGrid.gridService.getAllColumnDefinitions();
columnDefinitions.value = allColumns.slice(); // or use spread operator [...cols]
// you could also use SlickGrid setColumns() method
// vueGrid.slickGrid.setColumns(cols);