Custom Filter



Demo Page / Demo Client Component / Custom InputFilter.ts


You can also create your own Custom Filter with any html/css you want to use. Vue template (View) are not supported at this point, if you wish to contribute on that end then I certainly accept PR (Pull Request).


  • as mentioned in the description, only html/css and/or JS libraries are supported.

    • this mainly mean that Vue templates (Views) are not supported (feel free to contribute).

  • SlickGrid uses table-cell as CSS for it to display a consistent height for each rows (this keeps the same row height/line-height to always be the same).

    • all this to say that you might be in a situation were your filter shows in the back of the grid. The best approach to overcome this is to use a modal if you can or if the library support append to body container. For example, you can see that multiple-select.js support a container and is needed for the filter to work as can be seen in the multipleSelectFilter.ts

How to use Custom Filter?

  1. You first need to create a class using the Filter interface. Make sure to create all necessary public properties and functions.

  1. There are two methods to use your custom filters on the grid.

    1. Simply set the columnDefinition.filter.model to your new custom Filter class and instantiate it with new (you can also use dependency injection in the constructor if you wish). Here is an example with a custom input filter:

<script setup lang="ts">
function defineGrid() {
  // define you columns, in this demo Effort Driven will use a Select Filter
  columnDefinitions.value = [
    { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
    { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', type: FieldType.string,
      filterable: true,
      filter: {
          model: CustomInputFilter // create a new instance to make each Filter independent from each other

  // you also need to enable the filters in the Grid Options
  const gridOptions = {
      enableFiltering: true
  1. Or register your filter with the registerTransient method on the Vue container in the startup file (see the demo index.ts. It is recommended to use registerTransient, though you could use whatever lifetime you want). This registration is usually in main.ts or main.js. Then in your view model pass your custom filter to columnDefinition.filter.model property and we will use Vue's container to instantiate your filter. Here is that example:


<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, Filters, Formatters, SlickgridVue, type VanillaCalendarOption } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';

const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);
const $filterElm = ref();
const callback: FilterCallback;
const operator: OperatorType | OperatorString = OperatorType.equal;

onBeforeMount(() => {

function defineGrid() { }

function init(args: FilterArguments) {
  // ...logic

function clear(triggerFilterKeyup = true) {
  // ...logic

function destroy() {
  // ...logic


<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, Filters, Formatters, SlickgridVue, type VanillaCalendarOption } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';

const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);

onBeforeMount(() => {

function defineGrid() {
  // define you columns, in this demo Effort Driven will use a Select Filter
  columnDefinitions.value = [
    { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
    { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', type: FieldType.string,
      filterable: true,
      filter: {
        type: 'my-custom-filter'

  // you also need to enable the filters in the Grid Options
  gridOptions.value = {
    enableFiltering: true

Default Filter Type

By default, the library uses the inputFilter when none is specified. However, you can override this value with any filter you like during the startup/configuration of your Vue application:


Default Search Term(s)

If you want to load the grid with certain default filter(s), you can use the following optional properties:

  • searchTerms (array of values)

For example, setting a default value into an input element, you can simply get the search term with columnDef.filter.searchTerms and set the default value with filterElm.value = searchTerms;


If you want to pass a collection to your filter (for example, a multiple-select needs a select list of options), you can then use it in your custom filter through columnDef.filter.collection

key/label pair

By default a collection uses the label/value pair. You can loop through your collection and use the label/value properties. For example:

<script setup lang="ts">
// loop through collection to create select option
columnDef.value.filter.collection.forEach((option: SelectOption) => {
  // use the option value & label
  options += `<option value="${option.value}">${option.label}</option>`;

Custom Structure (key/label pair)

What if your collection have totally different value/label pair? In this case, you can use the customStructure to change the property name(s) to use. You can change the label and/or the value, they can be passed independently. For example:

<script setup lang="ts">
// use custom structure value/label pair
const labelName = (columnDef.filter.customStructure) ? columnDef.filter.customStructure.label : 'label';
const valueName = (columnDef.filter.customStructure) ? columnDef.filter.customStructure.value : 'value';

columnDef.filter.collection.forEach((option: SelectOption) => {
  // use the option value & translated label
  options += `<option value="${option[valueName]}">${option[labelName]}</option>`;

How to add Translation?


By default a collection uses the label/value pair without translation or labelKey/value pair with translation usage. So if you want to use translations, then you can loop through your collection and use the labelKey/value properties. For example:

<script setup lang="ts">
columnDef.filter.collection.forEach((option: SelectOption) => {
  // translate label
  const textLabel = (option.labelKey && typeof === 'function') ? || ' ') : option.labelKey;

  // use the option value & translated label
  options += `<option value="${option.value}">${textLabel}</option>`;

Custom Structure with Translation

What if you want to use customStructure and translate the labels? Simply pass the flag enableTranslateLabel: true

For example:

<script setup lang="ts">
// use custom structure value/label pair
const labelName = (columnDef.filter.customStructure) ? columnDef.filter.customStructure.label : 'label';
const valueName = (columnDef.filter.customStructure) ? columnDef.filter.customStructure.value : 'value';

columnDef.filter.collection.forEach((option: SelectOption) => {
  // translate label
  const textLabel = (option.labelKey && typeof === 'function') ?[labelName] || ' ') : option[labelName];

  // use the option value & translated label
  options += `<option value="${option[valueName]}">${textLabel}</option>`;

Last updated