Row Based Editing Plugin



The Row based editing plugin makes it possible to keep the grid readonly except for rows which the user explicitely toggles into edit mode.

Note: This plugin enforces the use of the autoEdit option and will turn it on with a console warning if its not already.


Demo / Demo Component

The action column

A new column is rendered that shows an edit/delete button. If the user clicks on edit, a save and cancel button are shown instead and the row toggles into edit mode. By default as the last column but you can override it with the option columnIndexPosition. Additionally it's default column id can be overriden using the opiton columnId. Furthermore, you can also override the columns label via the actionsColumnLabel property.

Single or multiple editable rows

By default you can only toggle a single row into edit mode. If you set the option allowMultipleRows to true on the other hand, you can toggle as many as you want.

Configuring the action buttons

You can override the styling, the hover text as well as whether a prompt — and with what text — should be shown. It is done by overriding the actionButtons property of the plugins options.

Support for the Excel Copy Buffer Plugin

If the Excel Copy Buffer Plugin is configured, the Row based editing pluging will override it's behavior by denying pastes on all cells not within a edit mode row. Nevertheless, any existing BeforePasteCellHandler will be respected.

How the plugin works

The idea of the plugin is to focus the users editing experience on specific individual rows and and save them individually. This is achieved by letting the user toggle one or more rows into edit mode. When a that happens a potentially registered onBeforeEditMode callback is executed to handle various preparation or cleanup tasks. Now changes can be made to those rows and will be highlighted and tracked. The user may cancel the edit mode at any time and revert all cells changes. If the save button is pressed on the other hand an onBeforeRowUpdated hook, which you define via plugin options, is called and expects a Promise<boolean>. In that method you'd typically write the changes to your backend and return either true or false based on the operations outcome. If a negative boolean is returned the edit mode is kept, otherwise the row applies the changes and toggles back into readonly mode. That means, no modifications can be done on the grid.

Here's the respective code shown in Example22:


function onBeforeRowUpdated(args) {
  const { effortDriven, percentComplete, finish, start, duration, title } = args.dataContext;

  if (duration > 40) {
    alert('Sorry, 40 is the maximum allowed duration.');
    return Promise.resolve(false);

  return fakeFetch('your-backend-api/endpoint', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ effortDriven, percentComplete, finish, start, duration, title }),
    headers: {
      'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
  }).catch(err => {
    return false;
  .then(response => {
    if (response === false) {  // <---- the negative response, e.g validation failed, keep the row as is
      return false;
    if (typeof response === 'object') {
      return response!.json();
  .then(json => {
    return true;  // <--- all good, apply changes in grid and toggle row into readonly mode

Last updated