Grouping & Aggregators



Demo Page / Demo Component

Draggable Grouping

Demo Page / Demo Component


Fully dynamic and interactive multi-level grouping with filtering and aggregates that is achieved with the help of the DataView object in SlickGrid. Each grouping level can have its own aggregates (over child rows, child groups, or all descendant rows). An aggregate can be seen as sub-totals, totals, average, ... or any defined group(s).

How does it work in SlickGrid? The important thing to understand while working with SlickGrid is that Grouping requires you to provide 2 things, if you omit 1 of them, it will simply not work. These 2 things are

  1. You will need to define which type of aggregate (accumulator) you want to use

    • Slickgrid-Vue provides the following built-in Aggregators: Avg, Min, Max, Sum

  2. You need to add a groupTotalsFormatter on the column definition you want it to be calculated

    • this is very similar to a Formatter, except that they are designed to show aggregate results, e.g:: Total: 142.50$

These 2 steps go hands in hands, a groupTotalsFormatter would have nothing to show if it does not have an Aggregator.


One of the very first thing that you need to do is to provide the SlickGrid DataView object to your ViewModel. The DataView is where we will define all of our Grouping. You can get the dataView object through an Event Emitter onDataviewCreated like so:


<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, FieldType, Filters, Formatters, GridState, OperatorType, SlickgridVue, SlickgridVueInstance } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';

const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);
let vueGrid: SlickgridVuInstance;

onBeforeMount(() => {

function defineGrid() {

function vueGridReady(vueGrid: SlickgridVueInstance) {
  vueGrid = vueGrid;

  // the Vue Grid Instance exposes both Slick Grid & DataView objects
  gridObj = vueGrid.slickGrid;
  dataViewObj = vueGrid.dataView;

  <SlickgridVue gridId="grid1"

Draggable Dropzone Location

The Draggable Grouping can be located in either the Top-Header or the Pre-Header as described below.


Draggable Grouping can be located in either the Pre-Header of the Top-Header, however when it is located in the Pre-Header then the Header Grouping will not be available (because both of them would conflict with each other). Note that prior to the version 5.1 of Slickgrid-Vue, the Pre-Header was the default and only available option.

gridOptions.value = {
  createPreHeaderPanel: true,
  showPreHeaderPanel: true,
  preHeaderPanelHeight: 26,
  draggableGrouping: {
    // ... any draggable plugin option


requires v5.1 and higher

This is the preferred section since the Top-Header is on top of all headers (including pre-header) and it will always be the full grid width. Using the Top-Header also frees up the Pre-Header section for the potential use of Header Grouping.

When using Draggable Grouping and Header Grouping together, you need to enable both top-header and pre-header.

gridOptions.value = {
    // we'll use top-header for the Draggable Grouping
  createTopHeaderPanel: true,
  showTopHeaderPanel: true,
  topHeaderPanelHeight: 35,

  // pre-header will include our Header Grouping (i.e. "Common Factor")
  createPreHeaderPanel: true,
  showPreHeaderPanel: true,
  preHeaderPanelHeight: 26,


The Aggregators is basically the accumulator, the logic that will do the sum (or any other aggregate we defined). We simply need to instantiate the Aggregator by passing the column definition field that will be used to accumulate. For example, if we have a column definition of Cost and we want to calculate it's sum, we can call the Aggregator as follow

new Aggregators.Sum('cost')

The available built-in Aggregators are

  • Aggregators.Avg (calculate the Average of a group)

  • Aggregators.Min (returns the Minimum value of a group)

  • Aggregators.Max (returns the Maximum value of a group)

  • Aggregators.Sum (calculate the Sum of a group)

  • Aggregators.Clone (will clone the same grouped text and display it in as an aggregated value)

  • Aggregators.Distinct (will show distinct value)

Group Totals Formatter

When defining your column definitions, you will need to decide which of the column will have an aggregate. Once that decision is made, you will add a groupTotalsFormatter to that column definition in question (a Formatter for the group total). For example, let say that we have a cost and we want a total sum grouped by a duration, the code would look like below.

Available Group Total Formatters

You can see the full list under groupingFormatters.index.ts Note: the Group Total Formatters named as currency will have these extra params (groupFormatterPrefix, groupFormatterSuffix, groupFormatterCurrencyPrefix, groupFormatterCurrencySuffix) and also the other common Formatter params (minDecimal, maxDecimal, decimalSeparator, thousandSeparator, displayNegativeNumberWithParentheses).

  • avgTotalsPercentageFormatter

  • avgTotalsDollarFormatter

  • avgTotalsCurrencyFormatter

  • avgTotalsFormatter

  • minTotalsFormatter

  • maxTotalsFormatter

  • sumTotalsColoredFormatter

  • sumTotalsCurrencyFormatter

  • sumTotalsCurrencyColoredFormatter

  • sumTotalsDollarColoredBoldFormatter

  • sumTotalsDollarColoredFormatter

  • sumTotalsDollarBoldFormatter

  • sumTotalsDollarFormatter

  • sumTotalsFormatter

  • sumTotalsBoldFormatter


<script setup lang="ts">
import { type Column, FieldType, Filters, Formatters, GridState, OperatorType, SlickgridVue, SlickgridVueInstance } from 'slickgrid-vue';
import { onBeforeMount, type Ref } from 'vue';

const gridOptions = ref<GridOption>();
const columnDefinitions: Ref<Column[]> = ref([]);
const dataset = ref<any[]>([]);

onBeforeMount(() => {

function defineGrid() {
  columnDefinitions.value = [
      id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title'
      id: 'duration', name: 'Duration', field: 'duration',
      type: FieldType.number,
      groupTotalsFormatter: GroupTotalFormatters.sumTotals,
      params: { groupFormatterPrefix: 'Total: ' }
      id: 'cost', name: 'Cost', field: 'cost',
      exportWithFormatter: true,    // for a Dollar Formatter, we also want it to be displayed in the export to file
      formatter: Formatters.dollar,
      groupTotalsFormatter: GroupTotalFormatters.sumTotalsDollar,
      params: { groupFormatterPrefix: '<b>Total</b>: ' /*, groupFormatterSuffix: ' USD'*/ }

  gridOptions.value = {
    enableGrouping: true,        // don't forget to enable the grouping
    exportOptions: {
      sanitizeDataExport: true   // you can also sanitize the exported data (it will remove any HTML tags)

  dataset.value = getData();

Prefix/Suffix to a groupTotalsFormatter

We can also pass prefix and/or suffix to each groupTotalsFormatter by adding them to the params object. Also note that you can also type HTML to be interpreted. For example, let say we would like Total: to show as bold and a suffix of 'USD' , you can write it this way:

Note prefix/suffix are concatenated without spaces, if you require a space then make sure to add it in accordingly.


  id: 'cost', name: 'Cost', field: 'cost',
  groupTotalsFormatter: GroupTotalFormatters.sumTotalsDollar,
  params: { groupFormatterPrefix: '<b>Total</b>: ', groupFormatterSuffix: ' USD' }

Custom groupTotalsFormatter

You can also create a custom groupTotalsFormatter similarly to a Formatter, just a create a function that will return a string, for example:


function defineGrid() {
  columnDefinitions.value = [
        id: 'cost', name: 'Cost', field: 'cost',
        groupTotalsFormatter: sumTotalsFormatter

function sumTotalsFormatter(totals, columnDef) {
  const val = totals.sum && totals.sum[columnDef.field];
  if (val != null) {
    return 'total: ' + ((Math.round(parseFloat(val) * 100) / 100));
  return '';

Set a Grouping

Once you have added a groupTotalsFormatter and defined which aggregate you want to use, you will want to create a grouping function. If we take again our example of a grid with multiple task and we want to group our task by duration and calculate the duration average and the cost total sum, we can write the following function


function groupByDuration() {
    getter: 'duration',  // the column `field` to group by
    formatter: (g) => {
      // (required) what will be displayed on top of each group
      return `Duration:  ${g.value} <span style="color:green">(${g.count} items)</span>`;
    comparer: (a, b) => {
      // (optional) comparer is helpful to sort the grouped data
      // code below will sort the grouped value in ascending order
      return SortComparers.numeric(a.value, b.value, SortDirectionNumber.asc);
    aggregators: [
      // (optional), what aggregators (accumulator) to use and on which field to do so
      new Aggregators.Avg('percentComplete'),
      new Aggregators.Sum('cost')
    aggregateCollapsed: false,  // (optional), do we want our aggregator to be collapsed?
    lazyTotalsCalculation: true // (optional), do we want to lazily calculate the totals? True is commonly used

Clear Grouping / Collapse All / Expand All

To "Clear all Grouping", "Collapse all Groups" and "Expand all Groups", we can simply call the associated DataView function, like so:


function clearGrouping() {

function collapseAllGroups() {

function expandAllGroups() {

Styling (change icons)

The current icons are chevron (right/down), however if you wish to use +/- icons. You can simply update the SASS variables to use whichever SVG icon paths. The SASS variables you can change are

$slick-icon-group-color:                    $primary-color;
$slick-icon-group-expanded-svg-path:        "M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M11,7H13V11H17V13H13V17H11V13H7V11H11V7Z";
$slick-icon-group-collapsed-svg-path:       "M19,19V5H5V19H19M19,3A2,2 0 0,1 21,5V19A2,2 0 0,1 19,21H5A2,2 0 0,1 3,19V5C3,3.89 3.9,3 5,3H19M17,11V13H7V11H17Z";
$slick-icon-group-font-size:                20px;
$slick-icon-group-font-weight:              bold;
$slick-icon-group-margin-right:             2px;

/* Grouping Totals Formatter */
$slick-group-totals-formatter-color:        gray;
$slick-group-totals-formatter-bgcolor:      white;
$slick-group-totals-formatter-font-size:    14px;

For more info on SASS styling and variables, please read the Wiki - SASS Styling,

Last updated