The library is fully tested with Cypress, you can take a look at the test/cypress/e2e folder to see the full list of Angular-Slickgrid E2E tests that run with every PR. You could also use other testing framework like Playwright.
Below is a super small Cypress test
describe('Example 3 - Grid with Editors', () => {
const GRID_ROW_HEIGHT = 35; // `rowHeight` GridOption
const fullTitles = ['Title', 'Duration (days)', '% Complete', 'Start', 'Finish', 'Effort Driven'];
it('should display Example title', () => {
cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Example 3: Editors / Delete');
it('should have exact Column Titles in the grid', () => {
.each(($child, index) => expect($child.text()).to.eq(fullTitles[index]));
it('should be able to change "Task 1" in first column of second row to a different Task', () => {
cy.get(`[style="top:${GRID_ROW_HEIGHT * 1}px"] > .slick-cell:nth(1)`).should('contain', 'Task 1').click();
.type('Task 8888')
// revalidate the cell
cy.get(`[style="top:${GRID_ROW_HEIGHT * 1}px"] > .slick-cell:nth(1)`).should('contain', 'Task 8888');
Angular Testing Library
As one of the currently trendy approaches to unit/dom testing your application for behavioral vs internal functionality, Testing-Library and more specifically the Angular wrapper Angular Testing Library have emerged.
These tests are typically based on either Jest or Vitest leveraging JSDOM, hence a node environment. Slickgrid supports these cases with the devMode grid option.
describe('Example 3 - Grid with Editors', () => {
it('should have exact Column Titles in the grid', async () => {
const fullTitles = ['Name','Owner','% Complete','Start','Finish','Effort Driven'];
await render(GridDemoComponent, {
imports: [
autoResize: {
container: '#container',
devMode: {
containerClientWidth: 1000, // fake the default container clientWidth since that's not available in jsdom
ownerNodeIndex: 0 // if no other dynamic stylesheets are created index 0 is fine to workaround an issue with lack of ownerNode
fullTitles.forEach(async (title) => {
const element = await screen.findByText(title);
Vitest CJS instead of ESM loading
You may experience issues when using Vite + Vitest (e.g via AnalogJS) where Vitest would load the cjs version instead of esm of slickgrid-universal. The reason for this is that nested sub-depdendencies aren't properly analyzed and left up to node's loading mechanism. (see for more details).
To workaround that limitation you can remap (alias) the cjs calls to esm with the following configuration in your vite.config.mts
/// <reference types="vitest" />
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import path from "path";
import angular from "@analogjs/vite-plugin-angular";
// helper to get the aliased path
function getAliasedPath(alias: string) {
return path.resolve(
export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => ({
plugins: [angular()],
test: {
globals: true,
setupFiles: ["./src/test-setup.ts"],
environment: "jsdom",
include: ["src/**/*.{test,spec}.{js,mjs,cjs,ts,mts,cts,jsx,tsx}"],
css: true,
alias: { // <--- here come the remounts
"@slickgrid-universal/common": getAliasedPath("common"),
"@slickgrid-universal/row-detail-view-plugin": getAliasedPath(
"@slickgrid-universal/empty-warning-component": getAliasedPath(
"@slickgrid-universal/custom-footer-component": getAliasedPath(
"@slickgrid-universal/pagination-component": getAliasedPath(
"@slickgrid-universal/custom-tooltip-plugin": getAliasedPath(
"@slickgrid-universal/event-pub-sub": getAliasedPath("event-pub-sub"),
"@slickgrid-universal/excel-export": getAliasedPath("excel-export"),
"@slickgrid-universal/odata": getAliasedPath("odata")
server: { // <--- this ones is needed as well to let vitest process the bundling
deps: {
inline: ["angular-slickgrid"]
define: {
"import.meta.vitest": mode !== "production"