A Row Detail allows you to open a detail panel which can contain extra and/or more detailed information about a row. For example, we have a user list but we want to display detailed information about this user (his full address, account info, last purchasers, ...) but we don't want to display this in the user grid (for performance and real estate reasons), so a Row Detail is perfect for this.
NOTE Please note that because of the complexity behind Row Detail, the following features cannot be mixed with Row Detail because they will cause UI problems
Tree Data
There is currently a known problem with Row Detail when loading the Row Detail Components, it currently shows console warnings (see below), however these are just warnings and they don't show up in Production code. If anyone knows how to fix it please provide a Pull Request as a contribution (please note that the suggestion to use root.render() does NOT work as intended hence why we call createRoot() every time a row detail is rendered).
You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
exportclassGridExample { reactGrid:SlickgridReactInstance;reactGridReady(reactGrid:SlickgridReactInstance) {this.reactGrid = reactGrid; }componentDidMount() {this.defineGrid(); }defineGrid() {constcolumnDefinitions=this.getColumnsDefinition();constgridOptions=this.getGridOptions();this.setState((props:Props, state:any) => {return {...state, columnDefinitions, gridOptions }; }); }getColumnsDefinition():Column[] {return [ /*...*/ ]; }getGridOptions():GridOption {return { enableRowDetailView:true, rowSelectionOptions: { selectActiveRow:true },preRegisterExternalExtensions: (pubSubService) => {// Row Detail View is a special case because of its requirement to create extra column definition dynamically// so it must be pre-registered before SlickGrid is instantiated, we can do so via this optionconstrowDetail=newSlickRowDetailView(pubSubService asEventPubSubService);return [{ name:ExtensionName.rowDetailView, instance: rowDetail }]; }, rowDetailView: {// We can load the "process" asynchronously via Fetch, Promise, ...process: (item) =>this.http.get(`api/item/${item.id}`),// load only once and reuse the same item detail without calling process method loadOnce:true,// limit expanded row to only 1 at a time singleRowExpand:false,// false by default, clicking anywhere on the row will open the detail view// when set to false, only the "+" icon would open the row detail// if you use editor or cell navigation you would want this flag set to false (default) useRowClick:true,// how many grid rows do we want to use for the row detail panel (this is only set once and will be used for all row detail)// also note that the detail view adds an extra 1 row for padding purposes// so if you choose 4 panelRows, the display will in fact use 5 rows panelRows:this.detailViewRowCount,// you can override the logic for showing (or not) the expand icon// for example, display the expand icon only on every 2nd row// expandableOverride: (row: number, dataContext: any, grid: any) => (dataContext.id % 2 === 1),// Preload View Template preloadComponent: Example19Preload,// ViewModel Template to load when row detail data is ready viewComponent: Example19DetailView,// Optionally pass your Parent Component reference to your Child Component (row detail component) parent:this } }; }render() {return <SlickgridReactgridId="grid40"columnDefinitions={this.state.columnDefinitions}gridOptions={this.state.gridOptions}dataset={this.state.dataset}onReactGridCreated={$event =>this.reactGridReady($event.detail)} /> }}
Changing Addon Options Dynamically
Row Detail is an addon (commonly known as a plugin and are opt-in addon), because this is not built-in SlickGrid and instead are opt-in, we need to get the instance of that addon object. Once we have the instance, we can use getOptions and setOptions to get/set any of the addon options, adding rowDetail with intellisense should give you this info.
Dynamically change the Detail View Row Count (how many grid rows do we want to use for the row detail panel)
changeDetailViewRowCount() {if (this.reactGrid?.extensionService) {constrowDetailInstance=this.reactGrid.extensionService.getExtensionInstanceByName(ExtensionName.rowDetailView);constoptions=rowDetailInstance.getOptions();options.panelRows =this.detailViewRowCount; // change number of rows dynamicallyrowDetailInstance.setOptions(options); }}
Calling Addon Methods Dynamically
Same as previous paragraph, after we get the SlickGrid addon instance, we can call any of the addon methods, adding rowDetail with intellisense should give you this info.
Dynamically close a single Row Detail by it's grid index This requires a bit more work, you can call the method collapseDetailView(item) but it requires to pass the row item object (data context) and it feasible but it's just more work as can be seen below.
Most of the time we would get data asynchronously, during that time we can show a loading spinner to the user via the preloadComponent grid option. We could use this simple Preload Component example as shown below
exportclassGridExample {// ...getGridOptions():GridOption {return { enableRowDetailView:true,preRegisterExternalExtensions: (pubSubService) => {// Row Detail View is a special case because of its requirement to create extra column definition dynamically// so it must be pre-registered before SlickGrid is instantiated, we can do so via this optionconstrowDetail=newSlickRowDetailView(pubSubService asEventPubSubService);return [{ name:ExtensionName.rowDetailView, instance: rowDetail }]; }, rowDetailView: {// We can load the "process" asynchronously via Fetch, Promise, ...process: (item) =>this.http.get(`api/item/${item.id}`),// ...// Preload Component preloadComponent: Example19Preload,// Row Detail Component to load when row detail data is ready viewComponent: Example19DetailView,// Optionally pass your Parent Component reference to your Child Component (row detail component) parent:this } }; }render() {return <SlickgridReactgridId="grid40"columnDefinitions={this.state.columnDefinitions}gridOptions={this.state.gridOptions}dataset={this.state.dataset}onReactGridCreated={$event =>this.reactGridReady($event.detail)} /> }}
Access Parent Component (grid) from the Child Component (row detail)
The Row Detail provides you access to the following references (SlickGrid, DataView, Parent Component and the Addon (3rd party plugin)), however please note that all of these references are available from the start except the Parent Component instance, for that one you need to reference it inside your Row Detail Grid Options like so:
exportclassGridExample {// Parent Component (grid)getGridOptions():GridOption {return { enableRowDetailView:true,preRegisterExternalExtensions: (pubSubService) => {// Row Detail View is a special case because of its requirement to create extra column definition dynamically// so it must be pre-registered before SlickGrid is instantiated, we can do so via this optionconstrowDetail=newSlickRowDetailView(pubSubService asEventPubSubService);return [{ name:ExtensionName.rowDetailView, instance: rowDetail }]; }, rowDetailView: {// ...// ViewComponent Template to load when row detail data is ready viewComponent: CustomDetailView,// Optionally pass your Parent Component reference to your Child Component (row detail component) parent:this// <-- THIS REFERENCE } } }// a Parent Method that we want to accessshowFlashMessage(message:string, alertType ='info') {this.setState((props, state) => {return { ...state, message, flashAlertType: alertType } }); }}
Then in our Child Component, we can do some action on the Grid, the DataView or even call a method form the Parent Component (the showFlashMessage in our demo), with that in mind, here is the code of the Child Component
<divclass="container-fluid"> <h3>{this.props.model.title}</h3> <-- delete a row using the DataView & SlickGrid objects --> <buttonclass="btn btn-primary btn-danger btn-sm"onClick={this.deleteRow(this.props.model)} data-test="delete-btn"> Delete Row </button> <!-- calling a Parent Component method --> <buttonclass="btn btn-default btn-sm"onClick={this.callParentMethod(this.props.model)} data-test="parent-btn"> Call Parent Method </button></div>
import React from'react';importtype { SlickDataView, SlickGrid, SlickRowDetailView } from'slickgrid-react';import'./example19-detail-view.scss';interfaceProps { model: { duration:Date; percentComplete:number;// ... }; addon:SlickRowDetailView; grid:SlickGrid; dataView:SlickDataView; parent:any;}interfaceState { assignee:string; }exportclassExample19DetailViewextendsReact.Component<Props,State> {constructor(publicreadonly props:Props) {super(props);this.state = { assignee:props.model?.assignee ||'' } }assigneeChanged(newAssignee:string) {this.setState((props:Props, state:State) => {return { ...state, assignee: newAssignee } }); }alertAssignee(name:string) {if (typeof name ==='string') {alert(`Assignee on this task is: ${name.toUpperCase()}`); } else {alert('No one is assigned to this task.'); } }deleteRow(model:any) {if (confirm(`Are you sure that you want to delete ${model.title}?`)) {// you first need to collapse all rows (via the 3rd party addon instance)this.props.addon.collapseAll();// then you can delete the item from the dataViewthis.props.dataView.deleteItem(model.rowId);this.props.parent!.showFlashMessage(`Deleted row with ${model.title}`,'danger'); } }callParentMethod(model:any) {this.props.parent!.showFlashMessage(`We just called Parent Method from the Row Detail Child Component on ${model.title}`); }render() {// ... }}
Adding a Column dynamically is removing the Row Selection, why is that?
The reason is because the Row Selection (checkbox) plugin is a special column and Slickgrid-React is adding an extra column dynamically for the Row Selection checkbox and that is not reflected in your local copy of columnDefinitions. To address this issue, you need to get the Slickgrid-React internal copy of all columns (including the extra columns), you can get it via getAllColumnDefinitions() from the Grid Service and then you can use to that array and that will work.