Available events

All the events are published with a data payload in a CustomEvent, so you will typically find the payload under the detail property of the CustomEvent. However please note that the events from SlickGrid and SlickDataView, shown at the bottom of the list, are published with a different structure which is also including the JS event that it was triggered with under the property eventData and the payload itself is under the args property (which follows original SlickGrid structure). To subscribe to all events, you can use your PubSub instance (if available) or add listeners on your grid container DOM element.

SlickGrid and SlickDataView

// 1. with PubSub instance
this.sgb.instances?.eventPubSubService?.subscribe('onCellChange', (payload) => console.log('PubSub, cell changed data:', payload));

// 2. with event listener on grid container. Notice the lowercase on the event name, this can be configured with `eventNamingStyle` grid option
this.gridContainerElm.addEventListener('oncellchange', (e) => this.handleOnCellChange(e));

handleOnCellChange(e) {
  // `eventData` is the event it was triggered from and `args` is the data payload
  const { eventData, args } = e.detail;
  const dataContext = args?.item;
  console.log('cell changed data:', args);

all other events

// 1. with PubSub instance
this.sgb.instances?.eventPubSubService?.subscribe('onHeaderMenuCommand', (payload) => console.log('PubSub, header menu command', payload));

// 2. with event listener on grid container. Notice the lowercase on the event name, this can be configured with `eventNamingStyle` grid option
this.gridContainerElm.addEventListener('onheadermenucommand', (e) => this.handleOnHeaderMenuCommand(e));

handleOnHeaderMenuCommand(e) {
  // detail is the args data payload
  const args = e.detail;
  console.log('header menu command', args);

SlickCellExternalCopyManager (extension)

  • onCopyCells

  • onCopyCancelled

  • onPasteCells

  • onBeforePasteCell

SlickContextMenu / SlickCellMenu (extension)

  • onContextMenuClearGrouping

  • onContextMenuCollapseAllGroups

  • onContextMenuExpandAllGroups

  • Slick Events

    • onAfterMenuShow

    • onBeforeMenuShow

    • onBeforeMenuClose

    • onCommand

    • onOptionSelected

SlickGridMenu (extension)

  • onGridMenuMenuClose

  • onGridMenuBeforeMenuShow

  • onGridMenuAfterMenuShow

  • onGridMenuClearAllPinning

  • onGridMenuClearAllFilters

  • onGridMenuClearAllSorting

  • onGridMenuCommand

  • Slick Events

    • onAfterMenuShow

    • onBeforeMenuShow

    • onBeforeMenuClose

    • onColumnsChanged

    • onMenuClose

    • onCommand

SlickHeaderButtons (extension)

  • onHeaderButtonCommand

SlickHeaderMenu (extension)

  • onHeaderMenuHideColumns

  • onHeaderMenuCommand

  • onHeaderMenuColumnResizeByContent

  • onHeaderMenuBeforeMenuShow

  • onHeaderMenuAfterMenuShow

Filter Service

  • onBeforeFilterClear

  • onBeforeSearchChange

  • onFilterCleared

Grid Service

  • onHeaderMenuHideColumns

  • onItemAdded

  • onItemDeleted

  • onItemUpdated

  • onItemUpserted

GridState Service

  • onFullResizeByContentRequested

  • onGridStateChanged

Pagination Service

  • onBeforePaginationChange

Resizer Service

  • onGridBeforeResize

  • onGridAfterResize

  • onBeforeResizeByContent

  • onAfterResizeByContent

Sort Service

  • onSortCleared

  • onSortChanged

  • onBeforeSortChange

TreeData Service

  • onTreeFullToggleStart

  • onTreeFullToggleEnd

  • onTreeItemToggled


  • onBeforeGridDestroy

  • onAfterGridDestroyed

  • onBeforeGridCreate

  • onDataviewCreated

  • onGridCreated

  • onSlickerGridCreated

  • onGridStateChanged


  • onActiveCellChanged

  • onActiveCellPositionChanged

  • onAddNewRow

  • onAfterSetColumns

  • onAutosizeColumns

  • onBeforeAppendCell

  • onBeforeCellEditorDestroy

  • onBeforeColumnsResize

  • onBeforeDestroy

  • onBeforeEditCell

  • onBeforeFooterRowCellDestroy

  • onBeforeHeaderCellDestroy

  • onBeforeHeaderRowCellDestroy

  • onBeforeSetColumns

  • onBeforeSort

  • onBeforeUpdateColumns

  • onCellChange

  • onCellCssStylesChanged

  • onClick

  • onColumnsReordered

  • onColumnsDrag

  • onColumnsResized

  • onColumnsResizeDblClick

  • onCompositeEditorChange

  • onContextMenu

  • onDblClick

  • onDrag

  • onDragInit

  • onDragStart

  • onDragEnd

  • onFooterClick

  • onFooterContextMenu

  • onFooterRowCellRendered

  • onHeaderCellRendered

  • onHeaderClick

  • onHeaderContextMenu

  • onHeaderMouseEnter

  • onHeaderMouseLeave

  • onHeaderMouseOver

  • onHeaderMouseOut

  • onHeaderRowCellRendered

  • onHeaderRowMouseEnter

  • onHeaderRowMouseLeave

  • onHeaderRowMouseOver

  • onHeaderRowMouseOut

  • onKeyDown

  • onMouseEnter

  • onMouseLeave

  • onPreHeaderClick

  • onPreHeaderContextMenu

  • onRendered

  • onScroll

  • onSelectedRowsChanged

  • onSetOptions

  • onActivateChangedOptions

  • onSort

  • onValidationError

  • onViewportChanged


  • onBeforePagingInfoChanged

  • onGroupExpanded

  • onGroupCollapsed

  • onPagingInfoChanged

  • onRowCountChanged

  • onRowsChanged

  • onRowsOrCountChanged

  • onSelectedRowIdsChanged

  • onSetItemsCalled

Last updated