Compound Filters



Compound filters are a combination of 2 elements (Operator Select + Input Filter) used as a filter on a column. This is very useful to make it obvious to the user that there are Operator available and even more useful with a date picker (Vanilla-Calendar).


Demo Page / Demo Component

Available Types

There are multiple types of compound filters available

  1. Filters.compoundInputText adds an Operator combine to an Input of type text (alias to Filters.compoundInput).

  2. Filters.compoundInputNumber adds an Operator combine to an Input of type number.

  3. Filters.compoundInputPassword adds an Operator combine to an Input of type `password.

  4. Filters.compoundDate adds an Operator combine to a Date Picker (Vanilla-Calendar).

  5. Filters.compoundSlider adds an Operator combine to a Slider Filter.

SASS Styling

You can change some of the SASS variables for styling. For more info on how to use SASS in your project, read the Wiki - Styling

How to use CompoundInput Filter

Simply set the flag filterable to True and use the filter type Filters.compoundInput. Here is an example with a full column definition:

// define you columns, in this demo Effort Driven will use a Select Filter
this.columnDefinitions = [
  { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
  { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', filterable: true },
  { id: 'complete', name: '% Complete', field: 'percentComplete',
    formatter: Formatters.percentCompleteBar,
    type: 'number',
    filterable: true,
    filter: { model: Filters.compoundInput }

// you also need to enable the filters in the Grid Options
this.gridOptions = {
   enableFiltering: true


The column definition type will affect the list of Operators shown, for example if you have type: FieldType.string, it will display the operators (=, a*, *z) where a* means StartsWith and *z means EndsWith. The current logic implemented is that any types that are not String, will display the list of Operators ( , =, <, <=, >, >=, <>)

How to use CompoundDate Filter

As any other columns, set the column definition flag filterable: true and use the filter type Filters.compoundDate. Here is an example with a full column definition:

// define you columns, in this demo Effort Driven will use a Select Filter
this.columnDefinitions = [
  { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
  { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', filterable: true },
  { id: 'usDateShort', name: 'US Date Short', field: 'usDateShort',
    type: 'dateUsShort', // if your type has hours/minutes, then the date picker will include date+time
    filterable: true,
    filter: {
      model: Filters.compoundDate,

      // you can also add an optional placeholder
      placeholder: 'filter by date'

// you also need to enable the filters in the Grid Options
this.gridOptions = {
   enableFiltering: true

Note we use Tempo to parse and format Dates to the chosen format via the type option when provided in your column definition.

Dealing with different input/ouput dates (example: UTC)

What if your date input (from your dataset) has a different output on the screen (UI)? In that case, you will most probably have a Formatter and type representing the input type, we also provided an outputType that can be used to deal with that case.

For example, if we have an input date in UTC format and we want to display a Date ISO format to the screen (UI) in the date picker.

// define you columns, in this demo Effort Driven will use a Select Filter
this.columnDefinitions = [
  { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
  { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', filterable: true },
  { id: 'utcDate', name: 'UTC Date', field: 'utcDate',
    type: 'dateUtc',           // format used in the dataset (input)
    formatter: Formatters.dateTimeIso, // format to show in the cell on each row (formatter)
    outputType: 'dateTimeIso', // format to show in the date picker
    filterable: true, filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate }

// you also need to enable the filters in the Grid Options
this.gridOptions = {
   enableFiltering: true

Date and Time

The date picker will automatically detect if the type or outputType has time inside, if it does then it will add a time picker at the bottom of the date picker.

For example, if we have an input date in UTC format and we want to display a Date ISO format with time to the screen (UI) and the date picker.

// define you columns, in this demo Effort Driven will use a Select Filter
this.columnDefinitions = [
  { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
  { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', filterable: true },
  { id: 'utcDate', name: 'UTC Date', field: 'utcDate',
    type: 'dateUtc',
    formatter: Formatters.dateTimeIsoAmPm,
    outputType: 'dateTimeIsoAmPm',
    filterable: true, filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate }

// you also need to enable the filters in the Grid Options
this.gridOptions = {
   enableFiltering: true

Filter Options (VanillaCalendarOption interface)

All the available options that can be provided as filterOptions to your column definitions can be found under this VanillaCalendarOption interface and you should cast your filterOptions with the expected interface to make sure that you use only valid settings of the Vanilla-Calendar library.

filter: {
  model: Filters.compoundDate,
  filterOptions: {
    range: { min: 'today' }
  } as VanillaCalendarOption

Grid Option `defaultFilterOptions

You could also define certain options as a global level (for the entire grid or even all grids) by taking advantage of the defaultFilterOptions Grid Option. Note that they are set via the filter type as a key name (autocompleter, date, ...) and then the content is the same as filterOptions (also note that each key is already typed with the correct filter option interface), for example

this.gridOptions = {
  defaultFilterOptions: {
    // Note: that `date`, `select` and `slider` are combining both compound & range filters together
    date: { range: { min: 'today' } },  // typed as VanillaCalendarOption
    select: { minHeight: 350 },         // typed as MultipleSelectOption
    slider: { sliderStartValue: 10 }

Compound Operator List (custom list)

Each Compound Filter will try to define the best possible Operator List depending on what Field Type you may have (for example we can have StartsWith Operator on a string but not on a number). If you want to provide your own custom Operator List to a Compound Filter, you can do that via the compoundOperatorList property (also note that your Operator must be a valid OperatorType/OperatorString).

this.columnDefinitions = [
  { id: 'title', name: 'Title', field: 'title' },
  { id: 'description', name: 'Description', field: 'description', filterable: true },
  { id: 'utcDate', name: 'UTC Date', field: 'utcDate',
    type: 'dateUtc',
    formatter: Formatters.dateTimeIsoAmPm,
    outputType: 'dateTimeIsoAmPm',
    filterable: true, filter: {
      model: Filters.compoundSlider,
      // here is our custom list that will override default list
      compoundOperatorList: [
        { operator: '', desc: '' },
        { operator: '=', desc: 'Equal to' },
        { operator: '<', desc: 'Less than' },
        { operator: '>', desc: 'Greater than' },

Compound Operator Alternate Texts

You can change any of the compound operator text or description shown in the select dropdown list by using compoundOperatorAltTexts to provide alternate texts.

The texts are separated into 2 groups (numeric or text) so that the alternate texts can be applied to all assigned filters, hence the type will vary depending on which Filter you choose as shown below:

  • numeric

    • Filters.compoundDate

    • Filters.compoundInputNumber

    • Filters.compoundSlider

  • text

    • Filters.compoundInput

    • Filters.compoundInputPassword

    • Filters.compoundInputText

Note avoid using text with more than 2 or 3 characters for the operator text (which is roughly the width of the compound operator select dropdown), exceeding this limit will require CSS style changes.

this.gridOptions = {
  compoundOperatorAltTexts: {
    // where '=' is any of the `OperatorString` type shown above
    numeric: { '=': { operatorAlt: 'eq', descAlt: 'alternate numeric equal description' } },
    text: { '=': { operatorAlt: 'eq', descAlt: 'alternate text equal description' } }

How to avoid filtering when only Operator dropdown is changed?

Starting with version >=2.1.x, you can now enable skipCompoundOperatorFilterWithNullInput that can be provided to your Grid Options (or via global grid options) and/or your Column Definition.

What will this option do really?

  • skip filtering (in other words do nothing) will occur when:

    • Operator select dropdown (left side) is changed without any value provided in the filter input (right).

  • start filtering when:

    • Operator select dropdown is changed and we have a value provided in the filter input, it will start filtering

    • Operator select dropdown is empty but we have a value provided in the filter input, it will start filtering

Note the Compound Date Filter is the only filter that has this option enabled by default.


this.columnDefinitions = [{
  id: 'name', field: 'name',
  filter: {
    model: Filters.compoundInput,
    skipCompoundOperatorFilterWithNullInput: true // change via column def, always has higher specificity over grid options

// or change for all compound filters of the same grid
this.gridOptions = {
  skipCompoundOperatorFilterWithNullInput: true,

Last updated