Migration Guide to 4.x

NOTE: if you come from an earlier 2.x version, you first have to follow the Migration Guide to 3.x, if that is too much work, you can always go the easy route to simply clone the Aurelia-Slickgrid-Demos

Major Changes List

@deprecated Code (removed)

Grid Menu / Column Picker

  • onColumnsChanged removed columns property from Column Picker options, rename to visibleColumns instead.

  • onColumnsChanged removed columns property from Grid Menu options, rename to visibleColumns instead.

Tree Data

  • removed findItemInHierarchicalStructure() method, use findItemInTreeStructure instead.


SlickGrid Controls/Plugins (Extensions)

Every SlickGrid controls/plugins were rewritten and moved into Slickgrid-Universal (prior to this new release, we were using them directly from SlickGrid repo and we had Extension bridges/wrappers in Slickgrid-Universal but that is now thing of the past since their entire code exist in Slickgrid-Universal), they were also rewritten as plain vanilla JS (basically there's no more jQuery code with exception of Draggable Grouping which still require jQueryUI). It's also much easier to maintain (we no longer have to wait for the SlickGrid project to release a version) and we can also modify and add extra features, styling, etc...

Because of all the rewriting, it makes sense to rename the method getSlickgridAddonInstance to getExtensionInstanceByName and it now returns the instance directly and as a bonus it now also automatically infers the correct return instance class as well.

Here's an example of the code change that you need to do

 toggleGridMenu(e: Event) {
    if (this.aureliaGrid?.extensionService) {
-     const gridMenuInstance = this.aureliaGrid.extensionService.getSlickgridAddonInstance(ExtensionName.gridMenu); // return type was `any`
+     const gridMenuInstance = this.aureliaGrid.extensionService.getExtensionInstanceByName(ExtensionName.gridMenu); // return type now infers `SlickGridMenu` instance

Grid Menu customItems renamed to commandItems

Replace all custom... properties to command... properties to align with all other menu plugins (CellMenu, ContextMenu, GridMenu, HeaderMenu are all using commands)

  • replace customItems by commandItems

  • replace customTitle by commandTitle

  • replace customTitleKey by commandTitleKey

Images are removed in favor of CSS classes

Another change possible the full plugin rewrite, all images related code were removed in favor of CSS classes only (that already existed and was always favored).

  • removed deleteIconImage, just use deleteIconCssClass instead.

  • removed groupIconImage, just use groupIconCssClass instead.

  • removed buttonImage, just use buttonCssClass instead.

  • removed iconImage, just use iconCssClass instead

  • removed image, just use cssClass instead

What if you still want images?

If you really want to use image, you can still work around that the new limitation by adding a CSS class similar to this: background-image: url(images/my-image.gif);

CSS/SASS Styling Changes

All SASS variables were renamed to add the $slick-... prefix

  • the prefix is to avoid conflicts with other frameworks (CSS variables were already including this prefix, so no changes there)

  • there is only 1 small exception with $primary-color (to avoid too many styling changes) but even then there's also a new variable $slick-primary-color

Simplify CSS

To simplify and merge all menu styling together (now doable since all controls/plugins now exists in the lib source code), all the following CSS class names got changed with what is shown below

  • rename title to slick-menu-title (to avoid other framework conflicts)

  • rename slick-cell-menu-command-list to slick-menu-command-list

  • rename slick-cell-menu-option-list to slick-menu-option-list

  • rename slick-cell-menu-item to slick-menu-item

  • rename slick-cell-menu-content to slick-menu-content

  • rename slick-context-menu-command-list to slick-menu-command-list

  • rename slick-context-menu-option-list to slick-menu-option-list

  • rename slick-context-menu-item to slick-menu-item

  • rename slick-context-menu-content to slick-menu-content

  • rename slick-header-menu-item to slick-menu-item

  • rename slick-header-menu-content to slick-menu-content

  • rename slick-grid-menu-item to slick-menu-item

  • rename slick-grid-menu-content to slick-menu-content

  • rename slick-grid-menu-command-list to slick-menu-command-list

  • rename slick-grid-menu-option-list to slick-menu-option-list

  • rename slick-grid-menu-list to slick-column-picker-list

  • rename slick-columnpicker to slick-column-picker

  • rename slick-columnpicker-list to slick-column-picker-list

  • remove or rename slick-gridmenu-list to slick-column-picker-list

    • we merge the Column Picker & Grid Menu column picker classes, read the note below

NOTE: for simplification, it also means that all SASS/CSS variables got merged as well (e.g.: $slick-cell-menu-item-disabled-color got merged to a common $slick-menu-item-disabled-color), another change was to merge all the Grid Menu column picker & Column Picker variables with same styling (e.g.: $slick-grid-menu-checkbox-icon-checked is now $slick-column-picker-checkbox-icon-checked for both extensions)

Last updated