You can use it when you need to support Pagination (though you could disable Pagination if you wish), that is when your dataset is rather large and has typically more than 5k rows, with a GraphQL endpoint. If your dataset is small (less than 5k rows), then you might be better off with regular grid with the "dataset.bind" property. SlickGrid can easily handle million of rows using a DataView object, but personally when the dataset is known to be large, I usually use a backend service (OData or GraphQL) and when it's small I go with a regular grid.
To connect a backend service into Slickgrid-Universal, you simply need to modify your gridOptions and add a declaration of backendServiceApi. See below for the signature and an example further down below.
TypeScript Signature
backendServiceApi: {
// On init (or on page load), what action to perform?
onInit?: (query: string) => Promise<any>;
// Before executing the query, what action to perform? For example, start a spinner
preProcess?: () => void;
// On Processing, we get the query back from the service, and we need to provide a Promise. For example: this.http.get(myGraphqlUrl)
process: (query: string) => Promise<any>;
// After executing the query, what action to perform? For example, stop the spinner
postProcess: (response: any) => void;
// Backend Service instance (could be OData or GraphQL Service)
service: BackendService;
// Throttle the amount of requests sent to the backend. Default to 500ms
filterTypingDebounce?: number;
As you can see, you mainly need to define which service to use (GridODataService or GraphQLService) and finally add the process and postProcess callback, while all the rest are totally optional.
Typescript GraphQL Service Options
You can also pass certain options to the backendServiceApi through the options property. The list of options is the following
export interface GraphqlServiceOption extends BackendServiceOption {
* When using Translation, we probably want to add locale in the query for the filterBy/orderBy to work
* ex.: users(first: 10, offset: 0, locale: "en-CA", filterBy: [{field: name, operator: EQ, value:"John"}]) {
addLocaleIntoQuery?: boolean;
/** Array of column ids that are included in the column definitions */
columnIds?: string[];
/** What is the dataset, this is required for the GraphQL query to be built */
datasetName?: string;
/** Column definitions, you can pass this instead of "columnIds" */
columnDefinitions?: Column[];
/** Used for defining the operation name when building the GraphQL query */
operationName?: string;
/** Use Pagination Cursor in the GraphQL Server. Note: previously named `isWithCursor */
useCursor?: boolean;
/** What are the pagination options? ex.: (first, last, offset) */
paginationOptions?: GraphqlPaginationOption | GraphqlCursorPaginationOption;
/** array of Filtering Options, ex.: { field: name, operator: EQ, value: "John" } */
filteringOptions?: GraphqlFilteringOption[];
/** array of Filtering Options, ex.: { field: name, direction: DESC } */
sortingOptions?: GraphqlSortingOption[];
* Do we want to keep double quotes on field arguments of filterBy/sortBy (field: "name" instead of field: name)
* ex.: { field: "name", operator: EQ, value: "John" }
keepArgumentFieldDoubleQuotes?: boolean;
* When false, searchTerms may be manipulated to be functional with certain filters eg: string only filters.
* When true, JSON.stringify is used on the searchTerms and used in the query "as-is". It is then the responsibility of the developer to sanitise the `searchTerms` property if necessary.
useVerbatimSearchTerms?: boolean;
onInit is optional and is there to initialize the grid with data on first page load (typically the same call as process)
you could load the grid yourself outside of the gridOptions which is why it's optional
filterTypingDebounce is a timer (in milliseconds) that waits for user input pause before querying the backend server
this is meant to throttle the amount of requests sent to the backend (we don't really want to query every keystroke)
700ms is the default when not provided
import { autoinject } from 'aurelia-framework';
import { HttpClient } from 'aurelia-http-client';
import { GraphqlService, GraphqlPaginatedResult, GraphqlServiceApi, } from '@slickgrid-universal/graphql';
export class Example {
columnDefinitions: Column[];
gridOptions: GridOption;
dataset = [];
constructor(http) {
this.http = http;
// define the grid options & columns and then create the grid itself
defineGrid() {
this.columnDefinitions = [
// your column definitions
this.gridOptions = {
enableFiltering: true,
enablePagination: true,
pagination: {
pageSizes: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100],
pageSize: defaultPageSize,
totalItems: 0
backendServiceApi: {
service: new GraphqlService(),
// add some options to the backend service to work
// shown below is the minimum setup for the service to work correctly
options: {
columnDefinitions: this.columnDefinitions,
datasetName: 'users',
paginationOptions: {
first: 25,
offset: 0
// define all the on Event callbacks
preProcess: () => this.displaySpinner(true),
process: (query) => this.getAllCustomers(query),
postProcess: (response) => {
filterTypingDebounce: 700,
service: this.graphqlService
// Web API call
getAllCustomers(graphqlQuery) {
// regular Http Client call
return this.http.createRequest(`/api/customers?${graphqlQuery}`).asGet().send().then(response => response.content);
// or with Fetch Client
// return this.http.fetch(`/api/customers?${graphqlQuery}`).then(response => response.json());
Extra Query Arguments
You can pass extra query arguments to the GraphQL query via the extraQueryArguments property defined in the backendServiceApi.options. For example let say you have a list of users and your GraphQL query accepts an optional userId, you can write it in code this way:
this.gridOptions = {
backendServiceApi: {
service: new GraphqlService(),
// add some options to the backend service to work
options: {
columnDefinitions: this.columnDefinitions,
executeProcessCommandOnInit: false, // true by default, which load the data on page load
datasetName: 'users',
paginationOptions: {
first: 25,
offset: 0
extraQueryArguments: [{
field: 'userId',
value: 567
// define all the on Event callbacks
preProcess: () => this.displaySpinner(true),
process: (query) => this.getCustomerApiCall(query),
postProcess: (response) => this.displaySpinner(false)
The GraphQL query built with these options will be
// extraQueryArguments will change the userId with
users(first: 20, offset: 0, userId: 567) {
nodes {
Changing/Updating Options Dynamically
You might want to change certain options dynamically, for example passing new set of values to extraQueryArguments. For that you will have to first keep a reference to your GraphqlService instance and then you can call the updateOptions method.
Code Example
import { GraphqlService, GraphqlPaginatedResult, GraphqlServiceApi, } from '@slickgrid-universal/graphql';
export class Example {
graphqlService: GraphqlService;
columnDefinitions: Column[];
gridOptions: GridOption;
constructor() {
this.graphqlService = new GraphqlService();
aureliaGridReady(aureliaGrid: AureliaGridInstance) {
this.aureliaGrid = aureliaGrid;
activate(): void {
this.columnDefinitions = [
// ...
this.gridOptions = {
backendServiceApi: {
service: this.graphqlService,
// ...
changeQueryArguments() {
// update any Backend Service Options you want
extraQueryArguments: [{
field: 'userId',
value: 567
// then make sure to refresh the dataset
GraphQL without Pagination
By default, the Pagination is enabled and will produce a GraphQL query which includes page related information but you could also use the GraphQL Service without Pagination if you wish by disabling the flag enablePagination: false in the Grid Options. However please note that the GraphQL Query will be totally different since it won't include any page related information.
If we take for example a GrahQL Query that includes Pagination versus without Pagination, you will see a much simpler query string. Also, note that the filtering and sorting won't be affected, they will remain as query input.
For the implementation of all 3 actions (filtering, sorting, pagination) with your GraphQL Server, please refer to the sections below to configure your GraphQL Schema accordingly.