Styling Filled Filters

You can style any (or all) of the Filter(s) when they have value, the lib will automatically add a filled CSS class which you can style as you see fit. There is no style by default, if you wish to add styling, you will be required to add your own.

Styled Example

Code example

For example, the print screen shown earlier was styled using this piece of SASS (.scss) code. You can customize the styling to your liking.

$slick-filled-filter-color:       $slick-form-control-focus-border-color;
$slick-filled-filter-border:      $slick-form-control-border;
$slick-filled-filter-box-shadow:  $slick-form-control-focus-border-color;
$slick-filled-filter-font-weight: 400;

.slick-headerrow {,
  .search-filter.filled input,
  .search-filter.filled .date-picker input,
  .search-filter.filled .input-group-addon.slider-value,
  .search-filter.filled .input-group-addon.slider-range-value,
  .search-filter.filled .input-group-addon select {
    color: $slick-filled-filter-color;
    font-weight: $slick-filled-filter-font-weight;
    border: $slick-filled-filter-border;
    box-shadow: $slick-filled-filter-box-shadow;
    &.input-group-prepend {
      border-right: 0;
    &.input-group-append {
      border-left: 0;
  .search-filter.filled .input-group-prepend select {
    border-right: 0;
  .search-filter.filled .ms-choice {
    box-shadow: $slick-filled-filter-box-shadow;
    span {
      font-weight: $slick-filled-filter-font-weight;
      color: $slick-filled-filter-color;

Last updated